Local Community Openings

Mason Street Townhomes

Mason Street Townhomes, located in NE Cully, are nearing completion. Check out the website to learn more about becoming a part of this community, featuring a shared common house surrounded by 13 high-quality homes.

PDX Commons Cohousing: A collaborative community of supportive friends

PDX Commons is a newly constructed senior cohousing development in SE Portland. For more information, including details on coffees and pot lucks, check out their website or link directly to check for available homes here.

Cully Grove: a new, multigenerational, solar-powered garden community in NE Portland
On nearly 2 acres near NE 47th and Going, we’re building a new community of 16 homes and a shared common house that will be a fun and sustainable haven for urban gardeners (and munchers) of all ages.  All units are now sold, but you can visit the Cully Grove website to check for openings.

Columbia Ecovillage
Columbia Ecovillage, a retrofit community in NE Portland with a huge permaculture garden area, sometimes has units available. Check their website for openings.

Daybreak Cohousing
“We are a growing, enthusiastic group of people who have built a cohousing community in a lovely, older neighborhood of North Portland. We are individuals, couples and families of varied backgrounds and ages—from almost age one to 60 plus— who want to live in a community where we know each other like extended family, while our personal needs for privacy and independence are honored.”  Units are available for sale and rent. Check out the website for additional details.